
Paws Up is National Pet Week, Join the Fun!

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The first week in May is when National Pet Week is celebrated!

Celebrate National Pet Week with Us
Celebrate National Pet Week with Us

National pet week was created in 1981 by the American Veterinary Medical Association with the purpose of celebrating America’s pet growing population. Nowadays is reported that around 200 million pets have joined many of the American households. And since our pets enrich our lives, it is important to celebrate them every day and practice responsible pet parenting and care every day of the year.

Psst is National Pet Week
Psst is National Pet Week

And National Pet Week is a perfect occasion to evaluate and set up a range of fun activities and health check-ups to make sure our beloved pets are happy and healthy.

Are you ready to join the fun this week? Here is a list of suggestions on what to do this week to better the lives of your pets:

Consider adopting a pet; there are so many dogs and cats at shelters that need a home. You can check your local listings or Pet Finder you can make the difference. If you cannot adopt a pet, then donate to your local pet charities. Many of them need funds for pet care. You can also volunteer they are always in need of pet lovers wanting to give a hand.

Visit the vet for your pets annual check-up. It is always good to take your dog or cat for a yearly health assessment and review vaccinations, medications and general pre-existing conditions. Annual check-ups are essential to keep our pets healthy and prevent any possible illnesses in the future.

Did you hear is National Pet Week
Did you hear is National Pet Week

Make an appointment for that pet dental cleaning that has not happened. Pet dental health is critical. Not having proper dental cleaning could lead to illness in the future.

Have fun! Take your dog for long walks in the park or around the neighborhood. Build a kitty friendly garden or purchase a new cat tree or toys to keep them entertained and active. We do not realize but pet obesity happens because due to lack of enough activity and indulging. Keep your pets active because that keeps us healthy too!

Cook something yummy for your beloved pets. Our chef recommends a yummy picadillo. Easy to make and perfect to add something delicious to your dog’s plate. Book a grooming appointment for your pet and one for you at the salon. Both deserve spa relaxation, don’t you think?

Pure Love
Pure Love

Hug and love your pets. They need affection too. And while we do that we as humans benefit because a pet warms our heart. After all this recommendations, are you ready for National Pet Week celebrations?

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57 thoughts on “Paws Up is National Pet Week, Join the Fun!”

  1. I didn’t realize it was National Pet Week, my dogs thank-you! I have one rescue dog that is around 10 years old. Also I just adopted my grand dog, a golden retriever, due to a problem with my grandchildren. Tonight is his first obedience class. They already get their lovin’ but there will be extra walks and park time in their week.

    • That is so cool I am very happy you adopted another dog and that you actually are doing the obedience classes. Those are so important. Thanks for engaging with us!

    • That is fine you can also volunteer many local organizations and shelters need pet lovers to help.

  2. I didn’t know it was National Pet Week! I guess my two cats will have some extra playing time this week! 😍

  3. I wish I had known that it was national pet week! We currently have one dog and two cats and they are great and deserve to be celebrated!

  4. I was not aware that its National Pet Week. Thank you for sharing this awesome post and bringing some awareness to pet adoption. I know there is a lot of need, many dogs who would love a loving home!

    • Many thanks Melissa we are strong believers in pet adoption so many need a good home. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Gosh, your post makes me remember two cute meow fellows that live with my dad and mom. I just love cats! Thanks for sharing these heart touching pictures!

    • Oh yes is of prime importance to avoid heart and liver issues. I am glad I was able to provide relevant information.

  6. My kids wants a dog I am holding as I don’t want third baby. Eventually I will get one. Thanks for sharing the info about National pet week .

    • I know it is good to wait having a pet is a big responsibility. Average dog life expectancy is between 12-15 years depending on the breed so it is better to make a good decision and not adopt until ready.

  7. It’s celebrations like this that make me want to grab the average person by the lapels and say Take your Cat to the Vet! Please.

    Dr Towle on the Humarian podcast said stats on cats and various disease are hard to discover because not enough go to the vets! AGGHH and >>> Sheesh. So thank you for posting this and I hope it encourages some who love their cats to actually the them to the vet. Cats are not indestructible!

  8. I was not familiar with National Pet Week, but I do love that an entire 7 days are devoted to honouring the bond we share with them. Great suggestions for ways to celebrate.

  9. Every week is pet week for my dogs LOL. Anyway, it’s fun to have an official National Pet Week and we will definitely have some extra fun for it. I’ll spoil them with some new toys and lots of playtime.

  10. If my dogs or cats find out it’s National Pet Week they are going to want new toys and extra treats LOL!
    But they know they will be spoiled no matter what day it is 🙂

  11. Hey, it’s PET WEEK every week of the year at our house, ha! Karma-Kat and the new Bravo-Boy celebrate with us daily.

  12. Great post and in my house it is only rescue as I do not believe in buying plus that is something I share all the time on FB. To celebrate Layla and I went on an adventure on Sunday (shared on my blog) to spend some quiet fun quality time together.

  13. Great post and in my house it is only rescue as I do not believe in buying plus that is something I share all the time on FB. To celebrate Layla and I went on an adventure on Sunday (shared on my blog) to spend some quiet fun quality time together.

  14. This is National Pet Week? Really? I NEVER KNEW! My gosh, I bet the peeps were keepin’ this info from me, so as to save themselves a couple bucks and not have to buy us some new nip mice ’cause really, National Pet Week is a reason to be buyin’ us nip mice, for sure. Peep #1 has some explainin’ to do. MOUSES!

    PS. Thank you for this info. Not sure the peep is gonna thank you, but I do! purrs

  15. I made dog treats for Mr. N this week (and human cookies). And we’re going on a trip on Friday! Lots of walking and new things to sniff.

    • We do celebrate them everyday but I think is nice to bring awareness as this is a great way to make pet owners aware the health and wellbeing of their animals is very important. Thanks for commenting.

  16. Everyday must be a pet day! These pets gives us delights and unconditional love, and they deserve all.our attention.

  17. I didn’t realize it was National Pet week. Yeay! Enjoy spoiling your fur kids! I’m looking to adopt in the future so I know I will be using PetFinder or KittyKind to find my new furry family member.

    • I want to adopt another dog but first I need to convince my husband as we have 4 cats and Bella.

  18. There are so many good organizations that need volunteers – or small projects a person can do, like have a food drive for needy pets. Thanks for posting this!

  19. Everyday is pet day in our house! We don’t treat our dog like a ‘dog.’ He’s ore of the son I never had. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  20. I have read many blogs related to this topic on websites like PetCareRx and PetMD, but believe me, yours is the shortest and the most informative one I have come across so far.


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